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SCN Membership Guidelines
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1.  Only one person from each professional classification is permitted to join a SCN Chapter. The Leadership Team of each Chapter has final authority relating to the acceptance of Members and any classification conflicts.

2.  Members must represent their primary occupation and may not represent a MLM or other direct sales organization organized around a "down-line".

3.  Attendance is critical to a Member's success in SCN. Members need to arrive on time and stay for the entire 60 minute weekly Chapter meeting. A Member is allowed to miss one meeting a month, more than this and the Chapter Leadership Team may open the Member's classification.

4.  An individual Member cannot be a Member of a second SCN Chapter.

5.  Visitors may visit an SCN Chapter two times.

6.  SCN Membership Lists are not for solicitation (email, direct mail or other means) without the Member's prior permission.

7.  Live the Champions Codes.

8.  Policies are subject change.

SCN Champions Codes
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Show Up as Yourself. Be yourself and not two people. A lot of people are one person at home and one person at work. We want to see you. Geek out on what you geek out on so we can geek out with you.

Always Be Learning and Teach What you Learn. We are not hoarders of information. We share our knowledge freely and mentor others to go bigger in their life and work.

Be Your Own Champion. Know your value, your worth, your potential. Have confidence in your abilities and banish all thoughts of self-doubt. Know that you have the power to enact change not only in your life, but in the lives of others.

Family First in All Things. Get the work done but family is the top priority. Get to the game, take the trip, and be with your family, especially in times of emergency.

Go Break Shit by Trying New Things. If we’re not innovating, building, or creating new ways to do stuff we will not grow. Explore, create, and don't get stuck in good-enough.

Don't Be a Dick. We take ownership of everything. We treat others with respect and how they want to be treated. We don't blame anyone or anything. We take responsibility.

SCN Terms and Conditions
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By submitting this Application, you agree to receive communications from or relating to Success Champion Networking, and further agree that Success Champion Networking may share your information and any other information and material you provide with other Success Champion Networking members, affiliates, vendors, and third parties in order to provide you services as a Success Champion Networking member. You may review the Success Champions Data Protection and Privacy Policy here:

SMS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Opting in to receive marketing and non-marketing text messages is not required to purchase any products or services from Success Champions. By providing your mobile number, you agree that Success Champions may send you periodic SMS or MMS messages containing but not limited to important information and updates about your membership, event details, and promotional specials. Success Champions does not charge for any messages or content however stand carrier message and data rates may apply. Please contact your wireless carrier for information about your messaging plan. You will receive up to 3 messages per week.  You may unsubscribe at anytime by replying "STOP" to one of our messages.  You may receive a subsequent message confirming your opt-out request.

ARBITRATION. All disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the member’s participation in Success Champion Networking shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. The Arbitration shall be subject to the Rules of the American Arbitration Association. The clause encompasses any and all disputes involving Success Champions and Success Champion Networking, their officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives, as well as members, provided that the disputes pertain to membership or participation in Success Champion Networking.

LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, any liability to you involving Success Champions and Success Champion Networking, their officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives for any cause whatsoever arising out of or related to this Agreement and/or membership or participation in Success Champion Networking, and regardless of the form of the action, will at all times be limited to the amount of the membership fee paid by you for membership in Success Champion Networking during the 12 months prior to Arbitration. Except in Jurisdictions where such provisions are restricted, in no event will there be any liability to you or any third person for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages. No actions hereunder may be commenced unless brought within one (1) year of accrual.

TERM. The initial Membership term is measured from the Member's approval date. Subsequent terms begin on the Members renewal date.  Terms run one (1) year from the date the term begins. Membership fees are billed monthly and automatically withdrawn via debit card, Visa, or MasterCard. Members agree to maintain a current payment status and two consecutive missed payments may result in the the Member's removal from their Chapter.

To cancel Membership, a Member must contact their Chapter Leadership Teams and inform them of their desire to cancel.  Membership cancellations are process on the date the Chapter Membership Chair submits the cancellation to SCN.

Members that have not completed their Term will continue to be automatically billed until the completion of their Term.

CERTIFICATION. I hereby declare and certify that all statements contained in this application and any accompanying documents are true and correct, and that any misrepresentation or false statement may be grounds for rejecting my application or, if discovered after my application has been accepted, subject me to immediate termination at Success Champion Networking’s discretion without any reimbursement. I further understand that my membership is conditional and I agree, accept and will abide by all the terms and conditions set forth herein and those contained within the Success Champion Networking Policies and Membership Guidelines, all of which I have had the opportunity to review upon request or received upon induction. I acknowledge that breach of these terms, conditions, and policies shall be grounds to terminate my membership. I understand and agree that UPON ACCEPTANCE, FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

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