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 Real Stories, Real Growth, Real B2B Community. 

 Come Experience Virtual Business Networking Full of "Get Shit Done" People. 

HTML marquee Tag Join us for the Badass Business Summit | September 18 - 20, 2024 | Fort Worth, TX (Click for more info)
 Success Champions Networking is where like-minded B2B businesses connect for raw conversations, genuine introductions, and real badass business growth.



Expand Your Business: Through introductions, Success Champions opens doors for you to diverse opportunities, fostering collaborations and substantial business growth.


Build Your Community: Inside you'll find a B2B community where you connect with mentors and like-minded individuals like you all adhering to the Success Champion's Code.


Access Actionable Insights: You gain immediate, applicable knowledge for your business growth from the Badass Business Summit's speakers, ensuring you're equipped with practical insights.


I don't care if you're a struggling CEO or a founder of success. Success Champions pours into everyone that enters the room with all their heart. That's the type of people you want to be around at every stage of your business.

Bernie DeSantis

Owner of Insignia Training

Visit One of Our Chapters Today!

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Led by: [Block//Chapter President//First Name] [Block//Chapter President//Last Name]

The Door is Open. Come Experience Our B2B World.

Grow your B2B community, access actionable insights, and expand your business with practical knowledge. Networking meetings are virtual. No MLMs allowed. 

This is Not Your Typical Networking Chapter.

Success Champions Networking is changing the game of how B2B businesses network, collaborate and grow their business.

Weekly Virtual Meetings

Virtual Meetings provide an efficient environment to build B2B relationships with people working to grow their companies.

All-Inclusive Networking

Expand your network by dropping in for a visit to any local or national chapter through out the United States & Canada.

Business Seat Exclusivity

Gain a competitive edge through our exclusive chapter system where we ensure only one business per category per chapter.

Professional Development

Exclusive training programs to sharpen your presentation and business skills. NO EXTRA FEES to attend these trainings

Join Our Exclusive SCN Online Community

Network inside of SCN online, our private online community where members from across the country connect.

Member Approval Process

All members undergo a thorough vetting process to ensure a mutual cultural fit and shared value.

 I'm Here Today Because of Networking. 

It's no secret I built my sales career via networking.

After launching Success Champions, I built it to what it is today on the back of networking and the great relationships developed from getting out there.

I am excited to bring that level of networking success online to your hometown and across the world.
As a member, not only will you be a part of a chapter of professionals who will introduce you to their network, SCN will help you increase your business growth through education on a variety of business topics through member-only courses, special podcast episodes, and specialized training materials.

You're invited to join us and take back control over the future of your business.
   Donnie Boivin   
   CEO/Founder, Success Champions Networking   
Champions Code: What We Believe In.
They are our rules of engagement. They define Success Champion Networking. They define our members. Champions codes are a blend of ethics and core values all wrapped up into one. They are the rules we have defined for ourselves on what right and what is wrong. What is acceptable and what is not.
 Show up as yourself. 
Be yourself and not two people. A lot of people are one person at home and one person at work. We want to see you. Geek out on what you geek out on so we can geek out with you.
Be your own champion. 
Know your value, your worth, your potential. Have confidence in your abilities and banish all thoughts of self-doubt. Know that you have the power to enact change not only in your life, but in the lives of others.
Keep learning, share knowledge. 
We are not hoarders of information. We share our knowledge freely and mentor others to go bigger in their life and work.
Family first in all things. 
Get the work done but family is the top priority. Get to the game, take the trip, and be with your family, especially in times of emergency.
Go break shit by trying new things. 
If we're not innovating, building, or creating new ways to do stuff we will not grow. Explore, create, and don't get stuck in good-enough.
Don't be a dick. 
We take ownership of everything. We treat others with respect and how they want to be treated. We don't blame anyone or anything. We take responsibility.
 Membership Fees 
 We have two easy payment structures. All memberships require an annual commitment, ensuring dedication and group quality while keeping the network hoppers out. Before applying, guests must visit their desired chapter. No MLMs, period.  

 *All new memberships will have a 1-time nonrefundable membership application fee of $50. 

Exclusive Industry-Specific Access to Your Chosen Chapter
All-Inclusive Visitor Access to Any Success Champion's Chapters - National & Local
Exclusive SCN Member-Only Business Development Training (No Additional Cost)
Private SCN Online Community
2-months of free membership on annual payment structure.
Visit a Chapter
Exclusive Access to Your Chosen Chapter
Visitor Access to ALL Success Champion's Chapters - National & Local
Exclusive SCN Member-Only Business Development Training (No Additional Cost)
Private SCN Online Community
Visit a Chapter

Take charge, own your success, and elevate your game.

Grow your B2B community, access actionable insights, and expand your business with practical knowledge. Networking meetings are virtual. No MLMs allowed. 

Get into Badass Conversations with Business Owners From Around the World
If you want business success you need to be getting into great conversations. Not with MLMs, not with B2C business. But with businesses that can help you take your business to the next level. Joining an online business network like Success Champions networking provides access to a select pool of successful business people from around the world, each having a well-established network who trust them, who want to introduce you to people that can help you build the business of your dreams. So once you get to know your fellow members and they've gotten to know you along with your services and ethics, the conversations you get into will multiply!
Develop the Skills to Grow Your Business Success. 
Growing a huge network doesn't automatically mean you have a successful business. So why Join a networking organization that is only interested in how many people they can squeeze in a room?

As a member you will have access to tools that focus on sales, marketing, business development, mindset, communication, and time management skills alongside businesses just like yours from across the country and the globe leveraging each others experiences to create the next great idea that takes your business to the next level.  
All Chapter Meetings are Virtual - Control Your Calendar

Sure, traditional networking is valuable, but it can also be incredibly time-consuming. The average business owner drives 20 to 30 minutes to meetings and after-hours events. Imagine doing this 2 to 3 times a week. An online networking chapter means you can reclaim the wasted windshield time and make the most of every minute of the working day.

With an online networking meeting you don't have to worry about missing meetings anymore. You can attend your weekly meeting from anywhere in world – as longs as you have an internet connection. This is what 21st Century networking is all about.

Surround yourself with "Get Shit Done" People.

Grow your B2B community, access actionable insights, and expand your business with practical knowledge. Networking meetings are virtual. No MLMs allowed. 

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